
Angular - Creating a Single Page Application

  Overview Assuming that the reader has read my first post on Angular we should all now be familiar with the building blocks of an Angular application. Therefore, to fully grasp the potential or in my case the frustration of using the Angular framework I am now going to go through how I built my first Angular application. Notice that I said frustration but bear in my mind that when learning new things there is always going to be a learning curve and making mistakes along the way facilitates stronger understanding and knowledge of concepts even if it may result in hours of hair pulling and shouting. For my first application I decided to convert the Web Development (CPRG-352) course project I made back in my 3 rd semester at SAIT. This application was essentially a simple CRUD application that allows a user to log into their account and enter information of items in their home such as the item name, price, and category. It was...

Angular - Introduction to Front End Framework

  In my opinion Web Development is such a broad limitless avenue of possibilities. Of course, you can say that about anything involving programming in general what with all the programming languages, frameworks, and APIs that are out there and many more that will come out in the future. However, when I learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in my second semester at SAIT I felt that JavaScript was chaotic compared to the strongly typed approach of Java.    Furthermore, there were numerous libraries, tools, and frameworks that could be used with it that it was all too overwhelming. But that is not even the most daunting part of it, it was the front-end that exhausted me. I would rather spend hours trying to figure out how to handle data in the back end than figuring out the padding, margins, pixels, or whatever else just to make a website look presentable and not something that was carelessly built by a preschooler. Which brings me to the fateful day I discovered Angular. What i...